Is Persistence The Secret Key to Your Success With Intermittent Fasting?

There’s a story in the Bible of a woman who, seeking justice against her rival, went to a certain judge who did not fear god, nor respect a man. The woman repeatedly approached the Judge seeking justice in her legal case pleading her point to him.

Now for a while he was unwilling to do anything, but soon he said to himself “though I do not fear god, nor respect any man but because of this woman’s persistent pleas, I will see that she gets justice before she drives me crazy with her demands”.

The logic is very simple to understand. When you want to accomplish anything of value to yourself, or some common goal you want, it takes persistence. Losing weight using intermittent fasting is like that.

Because your body has to adjust to conditions people don’t normally put themselves through. There are 24hrs in a day right, so for 16hrs you will be fasting for weight loss.

People who begin fasting have a number of ways they feel about it. Personally I felt it was a long damn time to go without eating. Contemplated very seriously if I could stand in the fire taking the heat of hunger.

I knew my target weight goal, however I had not done ANYTHING like this before. My confidence in myself in relation to his was severely lacking at best.

I just persisted

I didn’t want to wait a year to get the weight off, I wanted to melt the fat off right now. When I screwed up one day,. I’d start all over fresh again the next day. Willpower, a stick to it mindset, whatever you want to call it I was NOT going backwards.

Eating healthy also became a thing at this time, because I ate way too much processed, and sugary foods. Just so you know I was not in love with everything I was eating early on either.

I would have vastly preferred McDonalds, or Wendys for lunch. Instead I ate a big bowl of leafy green salad and fresh green juice.

I started eating when I was the most active in the day. Fasting strictly when I was inactive during the evening or late in the day.

It felt like I was in a war with myself, my mind knowing what I should eat to stay on track, but my body CRAVING everything that threatened to ruin it. Lord, Lord, Lord.

Family generally means well, I’m convinced, but they are not always helpful. I say generally because some secretly want to see you fail. Sad but true.

Offering me my favorite meals at BBQs, family gatherings, holidays, as if I was just having a lapse of sanity to think I can stay on a diet and actually get to my weight loss goal. I’ve been there believe me.

Don’t even get me started on the times where the stress of life, anxiety and your own wants, needs and desires, it’s like a battle on two fronts.

Gees, no wonder people tap out…But I had to finish

That’s why having a target is SO important, cause if you don’t have an actual number in pounds that you are vigorously trying for, forget it.

We ain’t even talking about AFTER you lose the weight, keeping it off, just losing the extra pounds.

Persistence baby, that’s how you win. All the cards start to fall your way when you refuse to cave in.

Willpower is born from consistent action toward a goal. Willpower has a belief aspect to it.

You must see progress to continue to apply the will to carry on, that comes from persistence it’s just as simple as that.

You already tried to lose weight before ( didn’t work like you were lead to believe right?.. ) you just want to look and feel your best, and FINALLY realize the goal of having that beach body. Well….

Intermittent Fasting is to me hands down the easiest most intuitive way to lose weight fast. All without pills, weird diets that have you eating in a way that is uncomfortable for you.

I personally lost 52lbs and have stayed within my goal weight ( +/- 5lbs ) for 2 years after stripping off 52lbs in 3 months. So you can do this, you don’t need things outside of yourself, you just have to start and execute. PERIOD deep down we all know that.

Finally be free of the feeling that it will never happen for you, that you are just going to have to accept the way things are, and cry tears of joy knowing that you succeeded.