What Are The 3 Best Types of Intermittent Fasting For Maximum Weight loss?
The 3 Best Types of Intermittent Fasting
There are multiple different ways to lose weight with intermittent fasting, but what is the best type of fasting to lose the maximum amount of weight fast.
In this article I am going to break them down for you, attempting to convince you that if you want the best, most effective fasting method for weight loss, definitely start with this article.
Now of course I am not going to go into comprehensive detail with each kind of fasting method but I am going to give you the benefits and what the practical applications are for each one. Fair enough right?
The point of this article is to outline what we think are the 3 primary kinds of intermittent fasting that you can do, but there’s a lot more that you can do than just these three.
If you want to mix and match different variations; however these by far are the three most effective.
Intermittent Fasting and Keto Diet ( Keto Fasting )

The first one that I will discuss is the big obvious one and that is combining intermittent fasting with the ketogenic diet.
Now I call this keto fasting, and it deserves its own little word simply because it is unique in its very own sense.
What Is A Ketogenic Diet
“Ketogenic diet is a term for a low-carb diet (like the Atkins diet). The idea is for you to get more calories from protein and fat and less from carbohydrates. You cut back most on the carbs that are easy to digest, like sugar, soda, pastries, and white bread”., WebMD
Intermittent fasting and keto are not one and the same, because you don’t have to do keto to get benefits from intermittent fasting. Also you don’t have to do intermittent fasting if you want to do keto.
However it’s important to know that both fasting and keto are born from each other.
The benefit of intermittent fasting in the first place is simply because you’re going without food to the point where your body creates ketones. Causing you to lose weight
Whether you’re in ketosis or not the benefits that you’re getting from intermittent fasting are because of ketones being present in your body.
So now we can talk about what happens when keto and fasting are in combination with each other.
So this particular method is going to be where you’re fasting but when you break your fast you’re not having carbs, you’re keeping it strictly Keto.
Do your fast, and then you eat Keto. You fast then Keto this is really good for fat loss probably the number one kind of fasting for fat loss.
It’s also extremely good for mitochondrial health., good for overall energy metabolism, plus getting your body to manufacture energy better.
Probably even second to fat loss is gonna be cognitive function.
Very big for boosting cognition so it’s gonna help you out with thinking more clear thinking just a lot cleaner when it comes down to just everyday life.
So when you’re fasting you’re draining your liver glycogen you have stored carbohydrates there in your liver.
So once those carbohydrates are burned up which usually happens after about one day of fasting you’re in ketosis.
If you look at the traditional forms of intermittent fasting which are gonna be like sixteen hours of fasting eight hours of eating or possibly eighteen hours of fasting six hours of eating or even all the way up to 20 hours of fasting and four hours of eating.
You’re going to have some degree of ketones being present because your body has drained glycogen out of the liver, and that’s the goal with fasting, drain the liver glycogen so that the body starts to produce ketones. ( A by product of your body using its own glycogen stores for energy)
Now fasting by itself depletes glycogen stores, so at the end of your fast, you’re likely in ketosis already.
However when you eat food including carbohydrates the benefits of the fast are abruptly stopped.
Fasting benefits are great benefits then you eat carbs boom, benefits of intermittent fasting to lose weight stop. There’s other benefits but the benefits of ketosis stop however if at the end of your fast.
However if at the end of your fast you stay keto then you’re sort of extending the fast, but without actually fasting ok so you’ve gone the full day or 16 hours or 18 hours or 20 hours.
When you break your fast and you still keep eating keto, because you’re not replenishing that liver glycogen your body still stays in a fasted state so it’s like you get the benefit of fasting without having to starve yourself.
Thyroid Health
The ketogenic diet has a unique way of preserving thyroid health.
Meaning that when you’re losing weight your thyroid would typically start to produce less, you slow down your metabolism because you’re losing weight.
A ketogenic diet is unique in that it actually makes it so you’re more sensitive to the thyroid, so you have less actual slowdown of your metabolism.
Whereas if you combine carbs with fasting you could slow down your metabolism which goes ahead and allows me to lead in to the next best type of intermittent fasting for losing weight
Best Type of Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Method

The 16/8 method is a method of time restricted eating, which limits calories consumed for certain hours, in this case 16 hours. Other intermittent fasting dietary guidelines substitute entire days of fasting (or very minimal diet intake) with days of normal eating.
Several adherents cite perks such as elevated blood sugar and lower cholesterol rates as potential health advantages.
16/8 method of intermittent fasting involves fasting for 16 hours and you have an eating window for 8 hours, it doesn’t mean you have to eat the entire eight hours it just means that your fasting period is 16 hours.
This method of intermittent fasting also considers sleeping as part of your fast as there is no calorie consumption. We typically recommend you start your fast at 7 00 pm the night before your official fasting day.
What this does is it allows your circadian rhythm to align so you get the most out of your fast the next day.
It also makes it a little bit easier to get started I know it’s difficult to stop eating at 7 pm but it really does align with your metabolic and your environmental clocks when you’re not supposed to be eating
Benefits of 16/8 Intermittent Fasting
16/8 intermittent fasting is a popular diet because it’s easy to follow, flexible and sustainable in the long term.
It’s also convenient, as it can cut down on the amount of time and money you need to spend on cooking and preparing food each week.
In terms of health, 16/8 intermittent fasting has been associated with a long list of benefits, including:
Increased weight loss: In addition to reducing the number of calories consumed throughout the day, studies have shown that fasting could boost metabolism and result in significant weight loss.
Improved blood sugar control: Your risk of developing diabetes may be reduced by up to 31% and lower blood sugar by 3–6%, if you practice intermittent fasting.
Enhanced longevity: Despite the lack of evidence in humans, some animal experiments have concluded that intermittent fasting may increase life-span.
Because you are starting a weight loss regimen speaks to the fact you are struggling with maintaining a healthy weight right?
So how often you should fast is related to how much you struggle with being at the weight you desire to be.
I personally would commit to making intermittent fasting a lifestyle, because bad eating habits tend to resurface.
We all know people who have lost noticeable amounts of weight only to gain it back later. Committing to fasting as a lifestyle ensures you never have to be concerned about battling weight loss in the future.
The reduction in calories from intermittent fasting, leads to tremendous weight loss without the need for exercise. However by adding a regular exercise routine in addition to intermittent fasting you quickly reach your target weight.
Best Type Of Intermittent Fasting: OMAD
I’m sure a lot of you have heard of it, or maybe you’re trying it, or maybe you’ve been doing it for a while.
OMAD has its benefits but, it also has some drawbacks you need to be aware before starting out with this method.
The benefits of OMAD is the fact that you’re fasting for 23 to 24 hours out of the day, and then consolidating all your food into one meal.
Huge benefits from the fasting side of things, and you’re definitely getting into ketosis. You also experience reduced blood sugar levels, along with lowering certain risk factors for heart disease, according to a recent research study.
That fast you’re draining your liver glycogen and you’re getting huge cognitive effects on your brain, because you’re actually having the effect of the ketones hitting your brain.
However when you break your fast then you’re having to consume so much in one sitting it can be tough for some people.
Some people do really well with OMAD but the biggest issue out there is that a lot of times people aren’t eating enough
You experience a slowdown in your metabolism because you’re slowly eating less nutrient dense food when consuming that one meal. OMAD can also lead to binge eating due to the increase in the appetite-suppressing hormone ghrelin
This can be very detrimental to your thyroid activity and affect your metabolism in a negative way.
If you do OMAD it is critical that you try to break it down into two smaller meals within one meal.
So break your fast however you would normally break your fast, with carbs or with fats and then 15 minutes later eat a little bit more.
However you still need to break it into two meals. I’m a much bigger fan of two meals a day then one meal a day.
A lot of it comes down to the fact that if you are not doing keto how are you getting the necessary nutrients from fats, carbs, and protein into your body without eating them at the same time.
Taking supplements to make up for the lack of nutrients in this 23-1 fasting method is recommended in one published study to help combat this problem.
You want to avoid bombarding your body with food, but if you eat less, then you’re breaking the cardinal rule of OMAD which is to make sure that you’re still getting enough calories from the meal that you eat so that’s where you run into the issue.
However you can get tremendous fat loss. So one meal a day is something that is good to utilize for short term situations it would not be ideal for most people wanting to lose weight long-term.

The bottom line
Bottom line is if you’ve been doing intermittent fasting for a while try adding OMAD lifestyle into your life for a little bit, and then see how it works for you. Obviously I am NOT against OMAD that’s why it’s on this list. Use it as a tool but you have to balance it out with other things. Such as the 16/8 method which is better type of intermittent fasting for long term sustainable weight loss.
OMAD with Keto is better than OMAD with carbs, the bottom line is that ketones are our friend, and that is what we are looking for.